Friday, July 11, 2008

In The Company of Cheerful Ladies

That's not only the name of the sixth book In The #1 Ladies Detective series by Alexander McCall Smith, nope, nope, nope. It's also how I feel when I've been reading some of the book blogs out there. Or should I say out here in blog land?
I've mentioned that until now, my own personal reading challenge was to read 50 books a year. I managed to pull that off two years in a row, but now I've decided to turn it up a notch. Since I began reading book blogs, my interest in other challenges out there has been awakened. I am so excited to be participating in the Japanese Literature Challenge 2, put out by Dolce Bellazza. See the 'logo' for it over there above my book blogs list? I feel so official.
That challenge isn't all I'm about. This time around my personal 50 book challenge. I'm making a 'rule' that every third book has to be either a (what I consider to be)a 'classic' book written before 1960, by such authors as Steinbeck, Salinger, Austen, Bronte, Faulkner...etc.,* OR a pre-read book in my keeper bookcases. I have sooo many books that I fondly remember, and want to read again. I know some people like to read a book ONE time, but I love to re-visit old friends!
* Did you know B&N bookstores have a big classics shelf unit with trim, attractive volumes? Of course you did. I'll go leaf thru a few next on my visit.


Bellezza said...

I like to revisit old friends, too. A few of my favorites to reread are Possession and The Secret History.

CJ said...

Now that sounds like an interesting idea. One I may very well adopt, if you don't mind.
