Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mr. Perfect

Personally? I'm still looking for the guy, but Jaine Bright found hers in the form of a cop named Sam Donovan between the pages (and sheets) of Mr. Perfect. After much murder, mayhem and heavy sex, the book ends happily, with Sam and Jaine planning their nuptials.

I decided to read this book after I read a post on Shannon's blog, What Women Read.

On a side note, here, will someone puhleeze tell me why soooo many romance novels I read begin with extreme enmity between the hero and heroine? Oh, I understand there has to be some conflict, some where, but why do the two main characters always whip themselves into crazy, silly frenzies of ire, all the while burning with serious lust for that person?

As for the story...
On their usual Friday night get together, four women friends create a list for their ideas of Mr. Perfect. Sounds harmless, right? Well, one of the women shows it to someone outside the group, and that person shows it to this one, and before you know it 'The List' is national news! There are mixed reviews about the list, but one person in particular takes it extremely personal and decides the four women must die. Mix this in with the sub plots of the four womens' love lives, and you have plenty to hold your interest throughout the pages.

All 'silliness' aside, the basic plot was very good with believable characters, a believable plot, and lots of can you go wrong with that?

1 comment:

Bellezza said...

Caitlin, I'm so glad you're joining the Japanese Literature Challenge 2. (Please send me your email address at so that I can send you updates/information throughout the challenge.) Welcome!